My Crazy Hobby

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Can we grow cannas from seeds ?
Do bulbs of cannas demand annual division ?
How many new bulbs can I get from one plant after division?
When and how to divide cannas bulbs?
What soil do cannas like?
Can we grow cannas in cool areas?
Will my cannas bloom this year?
Why do cannas not bloom?
What is the name of my canna?
Can cannas grow in shade ?

Can we grow cannas from seeds? YES

But the new plant will never inherit exactly the same mathematical features. We can obtain Something improbable, very interesting but often it ends growing a plant which is restricted in it's growth, it has delicate flowers similar to the botanical variety, it's not very attractive. If you have seeds and the time and place to experiment it's always worth trying because sometimes you can get something interesting. I experiment by myself for many years counting for something improbable. Look at my modest achievement please.

Cannas seed shell is so hard that it doesn't let through any water, which is very necessary to the shooting process. To make shooting possible we can apply mechanical, physical or chemical damage to the hard indissoluble Canna shell.

You can do the mechanical damage of the seed cover by polishing seed with a file or sandpaper. The physical method can be watering seeds for a few days at 30-40 degrees C ( 85-105 F ) or you can put seed in the freezer so that they are frosted and then pour seeds with 90 degres C (195 F) water - (not boiling - to big risk!) and after 5 seconds put the seeds to cold water. Such measure will break the hard seed cover.These methods can be laborious but successful. And that is how to grow pre-germinated Canna seeds ready to sow, and rooted seeds.

More information:

Growing Cannas from seeds by Alice Harris

The fresher the seeds are the better and this will increase the shooting process. The easiest way to sow the seeds is after collecting (September-November) when it's strength is at the highest. Unfortunately such early sowing is not inadvisable because of little light in this period. The most optimal period for sowing is February and March. If you have heated glasshouse or propagator then you can sow the seeds in January and February. And this is how one-month old Canna plants look like.

Do bulbs of cannas demand annual division? YES

If cannas grow in soil, next spring before planting them they can be divided to obtain more plants. If they grow in pots and are protected for the winter in the pots, their bulbs should be divided every two years.

How many new bulbs can I get from one plant after division?

All depends on the way of growing (soil or pot), fertilizing and length of growing. If all conditions are proper we can get 2 to 3 new bulbs.

When and how to divide cannas bulbs?

We divide bulbs when they are dry. Not fully dry bulbs can be infected by different funguses. If earlier division is necessary the fresh wands should be protected with powdered charcoal.

What soil do cannas like?

Canna is not a very demanding plant. It likes well aired soil free from weeds and grass. Heavy soil with too much clay needs some peat or graded tree bark. The best soil is with pH 6.5 - 7.5.

Can we grow cannas in cool areas?

In areas where the climate is too severe it is good to grow cannas in pots. We plant bulbs in mid-March and replant to bigger pots at the beginning of May. Cannas grown in pots usually bloom 8 weeks earlier than those grown in the ground.

Will my cannas bloom this year?

If the bulbs are planted in proper soil and proper time they will bloom the same year. Each following year they will bloom nicer and better.

Why do cannas not bloom?

The main reason lays in wrong way of growing. They might not have enough daylight, too much or too little water or improper pH of soil.

What is the name of my canna?

Proper naming of the canna you grow isn't easy. The color of flower and time of blooming, shape and color of it's leaves can help with categorizing your plant. I hope my gallery will be some kind of help.

Can cannas grow in shade?

But they will never have such beautiful flowers as those grown in the full daylight. The leaves also can be more delicate and fragile, especially those cannas with colorful leaves.

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